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Entries in category "procrastinate with me"

September 6, 2012


So yeah, I bought a roll of film yesterday. I'll be loading Diana before I go to sleep. I hope Diana'll be good to me for my 5th roll. I plan on shooting more light trails this time. I thought of buying a small tripod. 

Anyway, I'm still having issues with my sleeping pattern during the day. I tend to wake up around noon and not able to go back to sleep. 

Well then, have a nice day everyone!

Good morning!

by asepdf | 07:21 AM | procrastinate with me | 1 said something

September 4, 2012

Mixed emotions.

I'm currently feeling discontentment as of now. And yes, I am procrastinating. I’m at work. Have a little headache, as I wasn’t able to get enough sleep earlier. I fell asleep past 7am this morning and woke up around lunch time. Due to school obligations earlier, I didn’t go back to sleep. Finished up our thesis, made some revisions on the design and made sure there are no more errors in the system. I went to school around 5pm, waited for my groupmates, and then presented our system to our professor. Everything went well.  

I should be happy.

As I said, I’m feeling discontentment.  I’m starting to think foolish again. I feel like I wanted to talk to someone. Anyway…

Again, I’m at work right now. Decided to take a quick break and wrote this down.



by asepdf | 02:12 AM | procrastinate with me | 2 said something

August 31, 2012

A quick relief.... part 2

Had our first day of exam earlier. As I have planned, I didn't take the exam for the first subject nor didn't take the conflict sched.

At school, I was feeling relaxed and not worrying about our final defense for tomorrow. I know our system hasn't reached 100% yet, but I wasn't even worried 'cause I thought I could finish it by this time. 

That was earlier. I was relaxed as hell and when I needed it the most, if I were a pressure cooker, I'd be whistling like hell. 

Ugh. Just 2 more days. I can finally focus on my job and be out of school. 

by asepdf | 01:36 AM | procrastinate with me | say anything?

August 30, 2012

A quick relief out of the more important things.

It's quarter past 4 in the morning already. Still haven't slept yet. 
Today's actually the first day of our final examinations. 
Haven't even reviewed for our exam for today.
Anyway, I can just take a conflict schedule for our first subject 'cause I haven't even paid yet.

I'm still doing our system for our thesis, today's the deadline for getting it checked by our adviser, tomorrow's our final defense. 
Well anyway, just wanted to take a little break. 

Good luck to everyone of us! 

by asepdf | 04:36 AM | procrastinate with me | say anything?

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