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October 16, 2012

Let me sleep

As of this moment, I'm experiencing a deep physical and mental struggle. I should be sleeping as of now, though due to the struggles stated above, here I am, holding my iPod and typing this down. The reason im having this physical struggle is due of this mental struggle. I'm struggling physically 'cause im feeling tired now, having not enough sleep and I still have work tonight. It has been 2 hours sincce I laid down in bed, struggling mentally, my mind wouldn't just stop thinking, thoughts keep running in my mind, the current problems I have, doubts starting to build up, and all this hatred and apathy. 

Tabulas has always been my refuge, whenever there are thoughts like these I need to let out. 


by asepdf | 06:56 PM | Trails to forever | 2 said something

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Comment posted on December 2nd, 2012 at 02:23 AM
Okaaaay. I know I've been very busy lately and taken you for granted.. Haha.... Don't think about going to sleep... Just relax your mind... Think of beaches... Vacation. Etc etc... About church however... I hope everything has gone well.. Keep me posted. Miss talking to you Kuya. Keep safe.
Comment posted on October 17th, 2012 at 07:27 AM
me too, i heart tabs.