I finally got my grades yesterday. Results were very satisfying. I just need to get done with our thesis documents so I can compute my overall GWA. Finally, something I can be proud of. At least I can initially payoff my uncle for helping me finish my studies.
I’ve talked to my uncle last Sunday night when we were in my grandmother’s post-birthday celebration. He asked me if I was going to look for another job now. I told him not yet. To my dismay, he answered me “what’s the use of finishing your studies if you’re staying with your job.”
Well, I do have plans to look for a job that’s related to my course. Not now. Probably next year after graduation. I want to go abroad. Though I still need to self study and get some certifications. I don’t want to work and practice my course without any good knowledge about it. I know some basics though.
I’ve started shooting with Diana yesterday. I already took 6 shots. I plan on shooting more during night time ‘cause I really want to practice with the light trails. I hope more shots will turn out good than before.
High hopes.
by asepdf | 02:47 AM | Trails to forever | say anything?