I'm currently feeling discontentment as of now. And yes, I am procrastinating. I’m at work. Have a little headache, as I wasn’t able to get enough sleep earlier. I fell asleep past 7am this morning and woke up around lunch time. Due to school obligations earlier, I didn’t go back to sleep. Finished up our thesis, made some revisions on the design and made sure there are no more errors in the system. I went to school around 5pm, waited for my groupmates, and then presented our system to our professor. Everything went well.
I should be happy.
As I said, I’m feeling discontentment. I’m starting to think foolish again. I feel like I wanted to talk to someone. Anyway…
Again, I’m at work right now. Decided to take a quick break and wrote this down.
by asepdf | 02:12 AM | procrastinate with me | 2 said something