After more than 3 years, and exactly 10 trimesters, I can finally say I've accomplished the biggest frustration I had in my life. I have now succeeded in school. Yes, I don't need to go to school anymore to study.
Today, our final defense in thesis is done, but we still have to comply for the documents, which we still have lots of time until our graduation in the year 2013.
Starting today, I will have more time to sleep in the morning, after a day (or I should say a night) of work. I can finally rest. All the hardworks and sacrifices I've done are over, I can finally relax a bit.
I wanted to be more active physically, I wanted to get back in playing sports. I plan on doing activities I've never done before.
Well anyway, not enough words can express how happy I am today.
Thank you!
by asepdf | 09:05 PM | Trails to forever | say anything?