Entries for September, 2012
September 2, 2012
Light trails trials.

As I said on my previous post, I'd be more active here in Tabulas, and decided to post some pictures I've taken. This is one of my favorite shots using a Diana+ camera. I'm planning to buy another roll of film and capture random things.
by asepdf |
02:58 PM |
From Diana's visions |
say anything?
September 3, 2012
I woke up feeling distressed. Sometimes, I wish to keep on sleeping forever, where I can live in the world of dreams.
by asepdf |
12:37 PM |
Trails to forever |
2 said something
September 3, 2012
It ends tonight.
After more than 3 years, and exactly 10 trimesters, I can finally say I've accomplished the biggest frustration I had in my life. I have now succeeded in school. Yes, I don't need to go to school anymore to study.
Today, our final defense in thesis is done, but we still have to comply for the documents, which we still have lots of time until our graduation in the year 2013.
Starting today, I will have more time to sleep in the morning, after a day (or I should say a night) of work. I can finally rest. All the hardworks and sacrifices I've done are over, I can finally relax a bit.
I wanted to be more active physically, I wanted to get back in playing sports. I plan on doing activities I've never done before.
Well anyway, not enough words can express how happy I am today.
Thank you!
by asepdf |
09:05 PM |
Trails to forever |
say anything?
September 4, 2012
Mixed emotions.
I'm currently feeling discontentment as of now. And yes, I am procrastinating. I’m at work. Have a little headache, as I wasn’t able to get enough sleep earlier. I fell asleep past 7am this morning and woke up around lunch time. Due to school obligations earlier, I didn’t go back to sleep. Finished up our thesis, made some revisions on the design and made sure there are no more errors in the system. I went to school around 5pm, waited for my groupmates, and then presented our system to our professor. Everything went well.
I should be happy.
As I said, I’m feeling discontentment. I’m starting to think foolish again. I feel like I wanted to talk to someone. Anyway…
Again, I’m at work right now. Decided to take a quick break and wrote this down.
by asepdf |
02:12 AM |
procrastinate with me |
2 said something
September 6, 2012
So yeah, I bought a roll of film yesterday. I'll be loading Diana before I go to sleep. I hope Diana'll be good to me for my 5th roll. I plan on shooting more light trails this time. I thought of buying a small tripod.
Anyway, I'm still having issues with my sleeping pattern during the day. I tend to wake up around noon and not able to go back to sleep.
Well then, have a nice day everyone!
Good morning!
by asepdf |
07:21 AM |
procrastinate with me |
1 said something
September 9, 2012
uubusin nalang ang oras sa paglapat ng aking pandinig sa mga musikang magpapalalim ng damdamin. hahayaan nalang dumapo ang antok dahil sa pagod at sa pagusisa ng iisang suliranin na oras lang ang sadyang may kayang sumagot.
by asepdf |
11:43 PM |
say anything?
September 11, 2012
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
by asepdf |
01:52 AM |
Probably meaningful |
say anything?
September 12, 2012
I finally got my grades yesterday. Results were very satisfying. I just need to get done with our thesis documents so I can compute my overall GWA. Finally, something I can be proud of. At least I can initially payoff my uncle for helping me finish my studies.
I’ve talked to my uncle last Sunday night when we were in my grandmother’s post-birthday celebration. He asked me if I was going to look for another job now. I told him not yet. To my dismay, he answered me “what’s the use of finishing your studies if you’re staying with your job.”
Well, I do have plans to look for a job that’s related to my course. Not now. Probably next year after graduation. I want to go abroad. Though I still need to self study and get some certifications. I don’t want to work and practice my course without any good knowledge about it. I know some basics though.
I’ve started shooting with Diana yesterday. I already took 6 shots. I plan on shooting more during night time ‘cause I really want to practice with the light trails. I hope more shots will turn out good than before.
High hopes.
by asepdf |
02:47 AM |
Trails to forever |
say anything?
September 18, 2012
No matter how much blessings I'm receiving, it's still not enough for our family.
Ang hirap ng ganito. Kahit gano ka magsikap, kulang na kulang pa din ang balik sayo.
by asepdf |
07:54 PM |
Trails to forever |
2 said something