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Entries for August, 2011

August 12, 2011

burnout burst out

It's been more than a week since I'm feeling like this. I feel apathy within myself. I'm already burnt out. 
First, with school, I'm already in my 3rd year and just one last year, I could finally finish my studies after going out of school for 4 years. Yes, only a year left and I still feel I haven't learn anything yet.  I'm getting bored with studying, 'cause nothing's really coming in my head. I can't even focus, during discussions, reviews or anything else. My thoughts were always flying.

Next one is with work, I'm doing this kind of work for like more than 3 years already. I'm tired already. I'm studying because I want to get out off this kind of jobs. I don't want to end up working on a BPO company, answering calls or doing transcription services. I keep on anticipating that after I graduated, I would wake up one morning, eat breakfast, drink coffee and go to work, DAY SHIFT. I hate being nocturnal. It limits me on everything I want to do. 

Recently, I've been having mood shifts. 

by asepdf | 03:01 AM | 1 said something

August 12, 2011

She's just being irrational. 

by asepdf | 03:02 AM | say anything?

August 19, 2011

Promoting sites

Hi, if it's not a bother for you, would you kindly visit these 2 pages and click the like button. Just need 100 likes for both. This is for our final project. Thank you





by asepdf | 02:53 AM | say anything?

« 2011/07 · 2011/09 »