Enjoy Life, Die Happy

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© asepdf

May 26, 2011

...and then I've got lots of things to ponder, again. We've recently had a fight, just before I went to sleep earlier. Will she ever throw her pride away? This sucks.

Anyway, I'm thinking of changing my site's layout. I really wanted to make my OWN design, but it only proves why I'm not fitted to take up FINE ARTS. I used to draw before, that's more than a decade ago. 

Life is not that easy. Money goes away in just a blink of an eye. I just had my salary yesterday and I'm already waiting for my next payroll to be deposited in my bank account. Bills are already queued for payment. I have to refrain from buying and spending for things unnecessary in my life now. I'd have to give up playing online games, and concentrate with study and work.

Oh well.

by asepdf | 04:01 AM | 1 said something

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Comment posted on May 26th, 2011 at 12:12 PM
I have to refrain from buying and spending for things unnecessary in my life now. I'd have to give up playing online games, and concentrate with study and work.
<<<--- same here dude. you're not alone.