Time sure moves fast. Sometimes we just can't keep up. Okay, I just don't know how to start. I just have this feeling of writing out again but don't know where to start or even what to write. As of this moment, I figured out to write whatever comes in my mind. First off, things at school sure did change. All I'm certain is that I'm not affected with whatever she does anymore. Besides, I've got good friends to share my time with during at school. A liar will always be a liar. Another thing I have in mind is I'm beginning to know myself a little bit better. Yeah, you read it right. Sometimes, we really don't know who we are or what we are capable of. By this time, I've learned that loving is better when it's unconditional.
I've just been through a lot of things. Things that taught me how to cope up with all this. I just cannot fathom everything that's happening.
By this time, all I wanted to do is get away from everything. Spend my time alone, walk where my feet could bring me until it hurts and rest for a bit. I want to go somewhere, somewhere that's far from everyone I know. There are still a lot of things I have to learn. I just have to find my purpose.
Speaking of purpose, I just finished reading my 40 day journal, which turned out to be more than 40 days, because it took me an interval of 1 week to finish reading the 40th day after the 39th. Unfortunately, I still don't know what to do.
Well, with all these emotions and events occurring to me, I'd be strong and keep on smling.
by asepdf | 02:08 AM | say anything?