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Entries for July, 2010

July 6, 2010

something to write about.

I've been away from this account for so long. I haven't even been able to write up anything worth writing of on my other blogs. I've been more active on my Tumblr account but just keep on reblogging things I see, more on photos. Tabulas had always been there for me whenever I have thoughts or feelings I can't express. Okay, I'm writing again today because I feel so weird. Yeah, weird. I'm so fond of this person. We're already close though we only knew each other for less than a month. I've been always there to comfort her. I wanted to do those things that I know will make her smile and feel happy. 

Now, I'm lost. I'm in a situation where I want to fall in love and then I don't. I mean, maybe I'm already falling. I long for her touch, her voice, her presence. And I can't fall because of all these complicated things. 

I feel so stupid. Ugh. But I'm not giving it up. I don't care if I get hurt, as long as I did what I can. I can wait. I know. 

by asepdf | 06:19 AM | say anything?

July 10, 2010

we are all stupid. yeah, in any aspects of our life, we have that stupidity. no matter how smart we are, no matter how good we give advices, it's just so ironic that when it comes to our own problems, it seems like we're not good in giving advices. there are also situations that makes us so stupid. if we could just hit the next button to go on with our lives, we keep on pressing the rewind button. 

by asepdf | 03:08 AM | say anything?

July 19, 2010

hmm. so what's worrying you about? you keep saying sorry, and that you don't want to hurt me. do you really plan on pushing yourself away from me? as of now, I know that what we both feel are true. Even though, sometimes you hesitate on saying those sweet words, but I know deep inside you, you want to say those words. 
Just tell me what's troubling you, and I'm gonna make you feel better.

There's no boundaries when it comes to love. 

by asepdf | 11:04 AM | say anything?

July 25, 2010

hmm. sometimes I still hesitate. where are we now? It's like we're drifted from all those good things/good feelings we're having. Where are we heading? You said you have to go back to him, because of ME. Are you really gonna throw away your happiness just for the sake of me being safe? I'm not afraid of anything that may happen to me. I'm serious. I'm gonna give it all out! No more hesitations. 

by asepdf | 11:35 AM | say anything?

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