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Entries for January, 2009

January 2, 2009

A brand new year.

It's a brand new year. 2008 was a good year. Will 2009 be a better year?

A lot of things happened, a lot of people came in our life.

Will they still be part of our another year?

Friends will always be friends.


I haven't posted anything for a while, and I can't think of anything to say anymore.

This will be it for now.

Happy New Year

by asepdf | 12:04 AM | 1 said something

January 7, 2009

getting mad..

when we've done something wrong, someone would get mad at us. really mad.

sometimes, when a person gets mad, a lot of things could come out from his/her mouth. these things could really hurt someone. we just can't control ourselves when we're really mad. we're out of control.

even on a loved one. no matter how we love each other, when suddenly we became angry, we could speak of things that could hurt big time.

when these things are uttered, we lose the value of what's between us. one mistake, destroys all the joy we've had.

we might be hurt, we might think of really sad things, but still everything could be resolved.

I may be stupid, I may be clumsy, but I LOVE YOU!

by asepdf | 11:54 PM | say anything?

January 26, 2009


It's Monday, January 26th at 2:22 in the morning. I'm at the office. At "work." Sitting, in front of a machine called a computer, waiting for "work" to come.

And suddenly I felt bored. Apathy fills my body from toe to head.

A lot of things are running around my head. I'm full of thoughts, concerning one thing.

Am I doing the right thing? Am I really in the "right place" today?

Or something else awaits me. Something better than what I have now.

I'm not really happy anymore with my job, or I could say that I really lost interest.

It seems like I was in a routine once again. Tomorrow and Yesterday will always be just the same.

As if that I won't expect for something far greater than yesterday.

I'm needing something else.

I've been figuring out what do I really need.

And I've just figured it out.


I need GROWTH. Particularly on CAREER.

by asepdf | 02:28 AM | 2 said something

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