Enjoy Life, Die Happy

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Entries for August, 2008

August 4, 2008

Looking forward for spending more times with you.

Hmm. I just don't have any words to say. It's just that I'm so happy. I wouldn't want anything else anymore. I just want more time with you. Argh.

takte, hindi ako makapagisip ah. haha. para lang ewan. basta masaya. yun lang.


by asepdf | 06:52 AM | 3 said something

August 6, 2008

Twice what you feel..

Happiness is such a wonderful thing, right? Your smiles, I'm looking forward to see every now and then. I just wanted to spend the whole rest of my day with you. I'd rather be with you, than rest and sleep at home. Finally, I've found you, someone I just wanted to be with, someone I wanted to spend the rest of the night laughing about anything, someone I can share smiles with, someone I can share those happy moments and sad moments, someone I could confide of anything, someone just to hold hands forever, someone to hug when it's freezing cold, someone to be with during rainy seasons, having fun in the rain. Just that someone I could be happy of. Every time you're happy, I know I would be much happier. When you're sad, it would hurt me so much.

Now, you're not in the mood. Your tummy aches. You don't feel good.  I don't know what to do. I'm just feeling useless. ARGH. I hate this.

I can't say anything anymore. I just want to see your smiles. I love you twinx. I miss the crazy you.....

by asepdf | 09:09 PM | say anything?

August 8, 2008

Nothing much.

Damn. Where am I? I'm at work, I'm bored, 'cause I have nothing to do. What the heck? I have nothing to do, though I'm at work. Shouldn't I be working now? Tsk. What am I doing? I'm waiting for messages so I could work, tsk. I'm so sleepy!!! ARGH!! Nothing much.

by asepdf | 04:01 AM | say anything?

August 8, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle, you're my star.


1st week of August, I had never expect it too be this fun. A lot of things had already happen, especially you came. I've felt more complete than before, I've never been this better. New things come up, some old things had to be thrown away, maybe we just can't stop the inevitable change, and it had always been about change, but not until now. All I care for now is all our craziness, happiness, time together. As I've said, I'd rather be with you, than be with my bed. I'm more looking forward to waking up every afternoon, as we sleep in the morning, just to see your smiles. Your smiles, I've always wanted to see your smiles, your sweetness- even if you're too sweet with people around you- I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, yeah, the rest of my life.

sighs. I'm feeling a little discomfortable, knowing that plans are already set for you. We have a choice, that's what you've always said. Can't we just rather choose our own plans, than those plans they set for you? ARGH!!

Well, I'm happy and crazy. That's all what we should care, right? Cherish the moments, as what you've said. hehe. Everything was just so unexpected.

Happy 1 week, my twinkle

I love you as much as you know.

by asepdf | 09:50 PM | favorite | Probably meaningful | say anything?

August 9, 2008

ARGH. I was planning on posting about a certain topic, but I just can't figure out where to start. So I end up doing this instead. A lot of things are on my mind, things that I wanted to write, but I don't know where to start and how to start.

ARGH. Nothing much. darn.

by asepdf | 10:57 PM | 1 said something

August 13, 2008

Here I am again, with nothing really much to say. I just had the urge to write about something I don't really know. tsk. It's 2:45 in the morning. I'm feeling very sleepy. She's mad? at me, I don't really know. I don't know if I should take it seriously, it's really hard being paranoid. *sighs*

ARGH. I guess this is not really a good night for me.


Nothing much.

by asepdf | 02:55 AM | 3 said something

August 18, 2008


[fawr-ev-er] an endless or seemingly endless period of time

Forever, does this really exist?

A lot of us love to say this word, 

"forever to be with you"

"i love you forever"

We use such word, thought it really never exists...

Why don't we just use for the rest of our life rather than forever?

No one will ever live forever.

I know we can't be with each other forever, but I really wanted to be with you, as long as I live, for the rest of our lives.

Whatever result we may have, whatever might happen between us, all I want is to be with you. It's as if I have all my necessities in life whenever I'm with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Nothing much.

by asepdf | 01:48 AM | Probably meaningful | 9 said something

August 18, 2008

why do others have to plan for us? couldn't we just make our own plan and follow it? damn..


by asepdf | 03:33 AM | 16 said something

August 19, 2008

Will I be enough?

Nothing much.

by asepdf | 03:18 AM | 5 said something

August 21, 2008

Ultra Paranoia

is it me just being so paranoid or am i just afraid of losing you?

a single bad thing could trigger me to burst.

smiles could turn into frowns.

happiness to being depressed.

why can't I do something about this?

can't I just make myself believe that everything will be fine, real fine.



by asepdf | 03:59 PM | say anything?

August 22, 2008

a good day turned bad day.

it was a wonderful day, really. my first time to be with you while I had my haircut, our first time in a certain mall, our first dinner together on a fine restaurant, your surprise that really touched me, but then a single misunderstanding ruined everything.

Then I just want to have a talk with you. I know it was me who first gave a frown, but it wasn't really just my fault. Something always gets me off your attention. Jealous? Yeah. I admit it, I really feel jealousy. I have my reasons to be like this, and it's all reasonable.

by asepdf | 01:37 AM | 2 said something

August 22, 2008

22nd of August. A day not to or to be remembered.

Craziest thing I've ever done. We went home together. You're supposed to come home with me, then you've changed your mind. I'm waiting till the trike  you're riding gets off. You thought I already rode a jeep. You didn't know I was waiting everytime till the trike gets off, everyday. Then you texted me. Things I really don't want to see coming from you. I've already anticipated what you're decision would be, but at least it's a better thing for us. "Let's start over again and get to know each other". I've told you I'm going to prove you something, my sincerity for you. So I've decided to walk out of the house, my dad even asked me where I'm going, 'cause I just got home. He even told me something that I don't know if it's true or not. I wouldn't believe it and I don't care about it. So I walked out of the house, already decided where my destination would be. No sleep.

I've ridden the PUV going to Quiapo. I was falling asleep, and then I woke up, near my destination. I found some flowers, white roses, which you've said your favorite one. I've decided to go back, to bring you those flowers.

I've reached your house, your mom gave me permission to go to your room. I saw you sleeping. I laid the flowers beside you, then tried to wake you up. You were still half asleep, you haven't noticed the flowers. You told me it was still early. Then I've told you about the flowers, that I was just there to give those to you.

Now, I don't know where we would end up. But I want you beside me, for the rest of our life.

by asepdf | 11:39 PM | say anything?

August 23, 2008

having another rest.

i guess i would have to find myself again. till then, tabulas.


by asepdf | 03:58 AM | 1 said something

August 29, 2008

back in posting, part 2.

I guess I can't leave my tabulas. haha. here I am again, and I've already edited my posts from way back, I've edited the wrong grammars, the typo and everything. haha. I might have still missed some. I'm gonna get back to it later. oh yeah.


by asepdf | 03:37 AM | say anything?

August 30, 2008

Life is a learning process.

it hurts when we stumble, it even hurts more when there's no one to help us up. we love, we got hurt. and then we love again, then we got hurt again. the next time someone offers us love, everyone usually say "i'm afraid to hurt you" "i'm afraid to get hurt again". as you love deeper and deeper, the moment that love disappears, the harder it makes us to move on. moving on, is not the simpliest thing to do at all. it takes time. it takes a lot of time. and then after moving on, we're back from the beginning, we're gonna love again, get hurt again, then make the same mistake again? no. stop making the same mistake. life is a learning process. we learn from our mistakes, grow up, and try to never do the same mistake again.

love... one of our necessities. yeah, it is a necessity. no one can live a happy life without love. being continually love by someone special, being continually love by your family, being continually love by your friends, it will always be the reason of our smiles.

why do we love?

why do we feel pain of not being loved?

why are we afraid to love again when we got hurt?

loving is risking. risking something makes us gain more things.

I'm willing to risk, I'm not afraid of getting hurt. At least I can say, "I tried."


Just you and I, I feel alright
You provided a sense of being right on time
One of these days, you'll be mine
You are the Queen in the Middle of the Night

Don't run from me tonight
Just hold me close, I won't fight
Don't run from me tonight
This is all I'm asking for..

(some part of Hunger by Faspitch)

by asepdf | 04:29 AM | Probably meaningful | say anything?

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