Enjoy Life, Die Happy

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© asepdf

June 17, 2008

back in posting.

well, haven't posted for a while. hmm. seems like everything is going a little up and down. hehe. it's almost a month now since i had my ears pierced, one on the left and one on the right, (and on the cartilage). which had got infected, tsk tsk. so what's the result? my right ear doesn't look the same anymore. it got deformed. amf. tsk tsk. still hoping to get it back the way it used to be. i even spent a lot of money for my stupidity, for the operation and for the meds, which cost me thousands. tsk tsk. hay. i still don't know what to do with my life. smile, frown, cry? (i don't even cry). well, i just enjoy life, and i'll die happy. haha.

by asepdf | 02:44 PM | say anything?

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