Enjoy Life, Die Happy

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Entries for June, 2008

June 17, 2008

back in posting.

well, haven't posted for a while. hmm. seems like everything is going a little up and down. hehe. it's almost a month now since i had my ears pierced, one on the left and one on the right, (and on the cartilage). which had got infected, tsk tsk. so what's the result? my right ear doesn't look the same anymore. it got deformed. amf. tsk tsk. still hoping to get it back the way it used to be. i even spent a lot of money for my stupidity, for the operation and for the meds, which cost me thousands. tsk tsk. hay. i still don't know what to do with my life. smile, frown, cry? (i don't even cry). well, i just enjoy life, and i'll die happy. haha.

by asepdf | 02:44 PM | say anything?

June 21, 2008

things i hate about myself

hmmm. i don't really know if i should be knowing some things, you know what i mean? it's just sometimes, i'm just sitting on this corner, someone was talking with each other, then i just realized i've been eavesdropping with their conversation. and most of what their talking about are confidential. good thing though, i'm not that a  chuchu person. tsk. maybe i was just a little curious, not little maybe. i have so much curiosity in me.

the hardest thing though, if i knew the topic or the topic is close to me. i would really take every opportunity i'd have just to know something about the certain topic.

well, what now? i just discovered something. it would be confidential though. am i just born full of curiosity? or this is a bad habit. i don't know. with what i discovered, i really feel i'm betrayed, which i shouldn't feel. we're only this not like that. i'm only me, not even a little like him.

maybe i should just respect your choice and privacy. hmmm.  

by asepdf | 02:58 AM | 12 said something

June 25, 2008

this is not a love situation.

i don't really understand.

you were never like this before.

are you still the same person i know?

whenever you say things that hurt to me, i'm just not minding it.

but whenever i say things to you, it feels like i'm saying things wrongly and it just makes you mad at me.

i don't know if you're just sensitive or what.

things you said were different from things i see. 

you've always tried to deny something even if i know it's true.

now, i'm accepting the mere fact that he's much more better than me.

it's funny how you say things are like this, when things are not really like this.

hays. i really hope you have fun in your life.

i just wanted to see you smiling.

i'll always be here as your friend.

by asepdf | 04:18 PM | say anything?

June 27, 2008

it's all about moving on.

Move on, it's all about movin' on
Until we are too far to see where we came from
Yesterday, is too much of a burden
So we just hide numbly in our skins

Keep the gloss, keep the shine
Let the blind lead the blind

What lies ahead is so very vague
But still we choose to grope beneath the light

We had it all planned out
Oh, Change is breaking us apart, Oh
Oh, Change is breaking us apart, Oh
Or maybe we just need to start again

Lyrics from The Dawn's Change is Breaking Us Apart.


I really like this song, it doesn't really apply to love thingy, well at least for me.

From what the title says, Change does really break everything apart.

From old friends, new friends, those bondings we've shared.

Is it really good to have new friends in exchange of old friends?

You'll lose one, then new one comes?

I'm just not really into that.

I'd rather keep old friends, than have new ones.

If we want something new, do we really have to throw away those old memories, old things involving us?

Isn't it better to live somehow a little different then keep your friends than living a new life with new friends?


by asepdf | 03:25 AM | 17 said something

July 1, 2008

I still love you even if you keep secrets from me, even if you lie to me, even if you say things that differ from what your action shows.

by asepdf | 01:14 AM | 4 said something

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