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© asepdf

November 26, 2007

An unlucky Sunday for me.

whew..yesterday, my gf and I met at taft avenue station, we planned something but decided just to go to MOA.

As I was so hungry, and she even haven't eaten her breakfast and lunch yet, we decided to eat at KFC.

I was so pissed off with the cashier attendant, 'cause she was trying to give me a change of 63 pieces 1 peso coin. So I told her I'll just get it later.

KFC offers a never ending supply of gravy, so I went to the gravy station, and after the last guy got his gravy refill, I think he didn't  close the lid too tight, so the so hot gravy poured at my left hand. haha. my hand was so red.

Anyway, after that, we went to stroll around the mall, went to the bay area where the wind was so strong.

After going to the bay area, we went back to the mall area and the security guard do her usual checking of bags,  my gf noticed that her cellphone was gone, the good thing is for her that she didn't bring her cellphone, she used her extra phone which is a Nokia 3310.

Whew. I can't say anything else. Haha. and I feel I talked like barok with this entry. 

And I had a lot of senseless things. hahaha

by asepdf | 10:20 PM | say anything?

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