Here I am now, at the place where I used to work.
My uncle texted my father..hahaha... I didnt knew I will be applying, and I thought my uncle will just talk to I brought my certificate..and there it goes.. I made my resume at their office...and Ms. Mayeth (my uncle and aunt's friend and my past co-worker) accompanied me at the 6th floor..where a call center is based..
The company's name is GLOBAL eBUSINESS OUTSOURCE, INC.
ahahaha...and luckily I will be starting my training tomorrow..
ahahaha..the bad thing is, I was wearing a jeans, a tshirt, and im wearing a hair was longer, and im a wearing a cap..hahhahaha..
but still im so lucky i will be training tomorrow....
by asepdf | 04:49 PM | 1 said something
diuata (guest)
i'm confused..
i posted a comment on your previous post..
weird again..